Monday, November 3, 2014

Virgin Diaries

            Preface: Here lies the story of my de-virgin-izing experience…
            Teenagers; horny, sexual beings, that are continuously exploring and learning about themselves and their sexuality. The pressure to run the bases, and walk the thin line of not being sheltered, but not being a “slut”, seems to constantly taunt the teenage mind. IT IS NOT OKAY TO JUDGE PEOPLE FOR THEIR SEXUAL VENTURES. You do you, and let them do them.
            For me, I was constantly nervous of what could go wrong when it finally happened. Health class created paranoia within me, and horror stories made my stomach churn. Ripping hymens, blood, pain, and discomfort just lurked within the distance. What if I couldn’t handle it? What if something went wrong?
            On the other hand, I was ready for it to happen. I wasn’t jumping the gun and putting it out for any passerby. But I was ready for it to happen whenever it was truly time. I was comfortable with where I was at sexually; I understood my likes, wants, and needs.
            Insert boyfriend. For us to finally commit to each other as a couple had taken a while- almost 2 years to be exact- but he had always been there. He was my first actual kiss, way back when. The hookups were real throughout the years, and for him to be my first meant something to me. He was my first, and I was his.
            We went into this whole sexual process together. Not knowing exactly what to expect; hoping for the best, and understanding that it could be worse. But we’ve also been exploring and learning together for a while. I learn about him, and he learns about me. And, in turn, we have each learned more about ourselves- both emotionally and sexually.
            The process of it happening was by far one of the most clichéd college experiences to ever happen in my life. Two people, under the covers, on an extra long twin bed, in a dorm room, hoping that no one walks in. The question of “do you want to do this?” The fumbling with the condom, and making sure you’re lining everything up in the right place. So much had run through my mind in the course of just about 40 seconds leading up to it.
            But then it happened. It wasn’t at all what I expected. It wasn’t bloody, or painful, or off-putting. Instead, it was surprising, and passionate, and enjoyable. No, it wasn’t perfect. But it was all of the good things that they talk it up to be. It was a satisfaction both emotionally and sexually. It is something we will work on, but always in a positive way.
            In the end, I didn’t feel like I’d lost my virginity. Instead, I felt more as though I had just tried something new for the first time. I didn’t lose anything- dignity, self-worth, or trust. But rather, I moved forward in my sexual journey, we took a major stepping stone in our relationship. I feel like this should change things, but it doesn’t, and it just feels like everything is flowing so right.
Diary of a Teen


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Period Probs

            A recap of how I feel when I’m on my period. I’m hungry, but I don’t have an appetite, but I still feel like stuffing my face with junk food and mac n cheese. I just want to sleep all day but I still want to be productive with my life. I don’t want to wear pants, but I don’t feel like looking cute and wearing a dress. I constantly feel like I have to pee but that’s just my bladder fucking with me. I get annoyed really easily but then I get sad when people stop talking to me. I kind of just want to rip out my female system.

Diary of a Teen

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

General Thoughts- Crepes

            I honestly don’t understand the obsession that some people have with crepes. After having tried four totally different kinds of crepes from three extremely different businesses in three different areas, I was underwhelmed every single time. Okay, I get it, they’re like thin pancakes. But they seem to have no flavor, they’re awkwardly chewy without being gummy chewy, and they’re over priced.
            The crepes in discussion include those from the French Crepe Company in the shops at Hollywood and Highland (Hollywood Walk of Fame), The Crêperie on Newbury in Boston, MA, and La Petite France crepe truck from Connecticut.
The Crêperie on Newbury- Boston, MA
Brown sugar crepe with powdered sugar on top
Bland. The filling was thin and dissipated quickly. What you are left with after a few seconds is chewy sweetened batter.
French Crepe Company- Hollywood & Highland, Hollywood, CA
Nutella filled crepe with powdered sugar on top
For the price of this crepe (which got cold very quickly), I would have been better off just buying a jar of Nutella and eating that. (Sorry for no picture, didn't think to take one)

La Petite France- Crepe Truck, CT
Pictured- Granulated sugar crepe with powdered sugar on top
Not Pictured- Crepe filled with cheddar cheese
Sugar crepe was extremely bland, boring, and I had to force myself to finish it. The cheddar cheese crepe was a fun twist on the grilled cheese, but nothing spectacular. I would have rather had a regular grilled cheese.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

No Longer a College Freshman

            And just like that, my freshman year of college is over. I officially moved out today. 8 and a half months in the making, I am feeling such a mix of emotions right now. I can honestly say I’ve only made about three actual friends (that I care to keep in touch with) during my first year. Unfortunately, two of them are leaving- the other is my roommate next year. So it kind of hit me yesterday that they’re gone- for good. This just makes me truly, really sad.
            As mixed as mixed emotions can get, I feel odd being home. I go to school close to home, so I come home about once a week or so. Yet within the past week or two, I’ve felt homesick. Coming home recently was such a tease- home for 12 hours, then back to school, knowing that in little time I’d be home for the summer. But as I packed up everything from my dorm room, I felt such emptiness about leaving; like I was packing up my life. Even though I’m going back next semester, it just felt so strange.
            And finally, I feel lost. What am I suppose to do with my life for the next four months? Though I know this will only last for a few days or weeks. Because my frandsss come home this week! And I have a job that, of course, I’ll be working over time. So until all of my high school friends are off, I think I’ll be bored out of my mind.

Diary of a Teen

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

15 Ways Mean Girls Prepared me for High School and College

Because today is the 10th anniversary of the very best movie ever, Mean Girls, I present to you the 15 ways that Mean Girls has prepared me for high school and college. Sometimes it's hard to conquer those crazy teenage years, but this one movie gives so much insight into the actual events that girls go through. So go forth, read into the comedy that is the highlight of my cinematic life.

1. The “freshman 15” makes me feel like Regina George

2. Racial stereotypes are still overwhelmingly present in today’s society

3. Pink is, by far, the best color ever!

4. Practice safe sex

5. Teenage girls are vicious

6. Always have fabulous hair

7. Life is full of sexual innuendos

8.  Diets are dumb

9. Some people take religion way too seriously

10. Your friends may turn to drugs- you don't have to

11. You will have haters

12. It's okay to be emotional

13. Girl Code is very important

14. Revelations will forever change your outlook on life

15. Fetch is NEVER going to happen!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

One School, Two Ships

            As a follow up to yesterdays post, UCONN FUCKING WON! AGAIN! The women’s basketball team won the NCAA National Championship with a 40-0 season. This also ended UCONN’s 24 hour championship drought.
            History repeated itself, as both the men’s and women’s teams won the national titles. The same occurred in the 2003-2004 season. UCONN is the only school that has ever won both championships in one season, and we’ve done it twice! Along with that, UCONN is 13-0 in national championship games; the women have won 9 (#caNINEs), and the men have won 4.
            In conclusion, UCONN FUCKING ROCKS! If you need further proof, please read this-
Diary of a Teen

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2014 NCAA Men's Basketball National Champs

            UCONN FUCKING WON! Unless you’re from Connecticut, y’all don’t understand the excitement here. If you are from Connecticut, you’re from #UCONNcountry. You #BleedBlue from day one. You were born a husky. You grew up going to UCONN games. You most definitely always had a UCONN shirt in your closet. And you’ve more than likely thought that UCONN was the best fucking school ever. Even if you’re not technically a husky by education, you’re a husky by heart.
            Now our men’s basketball team is much more underrated than our women’s team. But this year they were hungry- #HungryHuskies, that is. Out to prove that they’re not just a Cinderella story, they were the first number seven seed to ever win the national championship. This is the second men’s championship we have won in four years, fourth ever. And do you want to know why the entire UCONN campus started a riot? Because UCONN FUCKING ROCKS!
Diary of a Teen

Sunday, March 30, 2014

General Thoughts- Austin Mahone MMM Yeah

            Tonight I present to you my thoughts on Austin Mahone’s song MMM Yeah. First off, I’m generally a fan of Austin Mahone. He’s extremely talented, and extremely good looking. However, in my eyes (and my ears) this song is just kind of a flop. My first issue with this song is that the song itself is not even completely his, and is not new at all. The chorus is completely taken from the song NU NU by Lidell Townsell that came out in 1992. Secondly, Austin has so much talent that goes so undetected here because of the overload of autotune. I’ve heard him sing live and he is fantastic! It just saddens me knowing that it’s being covered up. Finally, adding Pitbull to a song does not necessarily make it better. In this case, I do not think the song benefited from his Spanglish-Latin fusion.

Diary of a Teen

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Put a Bow on It

            If you ever have a day when you’re kind of sad, out of it, or just not feeling it put a bow in your hair. I know, I know, it seems a little silly and like something that a five year old would do. But trust me, it really does help. Here’s how I think about it- I don’t wear a bow in my hair on a regular basis. So when I have one on, I kind of forget that it’s there. Then I’ll pass by a mirror, or see my shadow, and notice that it’s there. And it kind of just makes me smile. Bows make me happy, and it seems to lift my spirits- at least momentarily. Just try it.

Diary of a Teen

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hopelessly in Love

            Fair warning, I may just spend this entire post babbling. Twitter quote of the hour, “it’s not my fault I fell in love with you, it’s yours”. Have you ever just met someone that you know is perfect, for you? Someone who makes you smile, and makes you happy. Someone whose happiness means the world to you, and that you would do anything for. For me I know I have, and I wouldn’t have wasted two years trying if this didn’t matter.
            But with all things in life, there are obstacles. Obstacles like distance-- 1,069 miles to be exact. Obstacles like communication. And obstacles like other people. Some people would say I’m crazy to tell him it’s okay to date other girls. I mean, we are not, and have never been a couple. We have never truly dated, and have never been exclusive. If I know that’s not going to happen soon, I say feel free to go about other girls. And when you find  out that they’re not right for you, it’s one step closer to you realizing that what’s right for you is me.
            Just how long is it going to take to get it through your thick skull that I’ll always be here for you? I want to be a proactive participant in your life. It is with a fluttering heart that I can truly say that you put a smile on my face. Whether you know this or not, it will always be true. And since I can’t seem to get a clear understanding of how you feel, I will wait. I will wait until things fall into place. Because even as time goes on, love won’t fade. Remember, it’s not my fault I fell in love with you, it’s yours. So I guess one day you’ll have to pay.
Diary of a Teen

Monday, March 24, 2014

10 Things that my Mom Forgets About Being a Teenager

            There’s just some things my mom forgets about being a teenager. Yes, it has been a while since she was at my point in life. But sometimes it just astounds me how much she forgets what I’m going through. Though I’ll always be her little girl, I’m no longer a little girl. I’m growing, maturing, and developing my own sense of self. So with that, I present to you the list of things my mom forgets about teenagers-

1. I get my period! My uterus is shedding, I’m bleeding, I’m uncomfortable, I’m in pain, I’m bitchy, I’m irritable, and I don’t want to deal with this shit.

2. I’ve kissed a boy. Yes, I’ve kissed more boys than I’ve had boyfriends. It is, in fact, possible to kiss someone that you’re not dating.

3. My car is my freedom. I know I drive fast, but you need to have the confidence that I drive safe.

4. I listen to music that you don’t like.

5. I’ve had alcohol. To ease your mind- no, I don’t get drunk. But yes, alcohol has been consumed.

6. I swear, a lot. I just have enough common sense to sensor myself around you.

7. I don’t like to tell you everything. I’m not trying to hide things from you, but I don’t really want to share everything with you.

8. I want cute bras and underwear. Do you really need to ask the question “well who’s gonna see them anyways”? Seriously?! I’m going to see them! I want to feel cute! And yes, I want to be prepared in the rare chance that someone else will see them. I don’t want to be prancing around in Tinker Bell briefs from the juniors section at Wal-Mart.

9. I am growing and developing. This includes physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.

10. Sometimes I need to mess up. I know you just love giving that oh so “perfect” advice, but sometimes I need to make my own mistakes to really learn and grow.  Please don’t try to instruct me all the time.
Diary of a Teen

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Haha.. jokes

What’s the difference between a hitchhiker and a prostitute? One wants a ride, the other wants to ride you.

Diary of a Teen

Friday, January 31, 2014

To My Love...

            You once said, “You’re going to fall in love with me.” Well, that implies that I haven’t yet. Cause trust me, I already have. I love how you’re indecisive, yet so ambitious. I love how you’re full of yourself, but it’s so sexy. I love your fluffy hair, and how sometimes you can’t match your tie to your shirt to save your life. I love how, even though you know how to push my buttons, you’ll always be there for me. I love how you make me feel. I love your laugh, and your silly faces, and that anxious smile that you get. But most of all, I love how you’re my best friend, and my other half.
Diary of a Teen

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pet Peeve- Word Twisters

            I have many pet peeves in life, but one of the ones that truly pisses me off is when people twist my words. See, I work in retail, and customer service is a huge part of that. Today a customer wanted to try on an item that was on a mannequin, that I knew wasn’t their size. I nicely tried to explain to them that each brand cuts differently, so they might want to try the next size up before trying the size that was on the mannequin. Honestly, I put it as nicely as I possibly could that they were not going to fit into the item that was on the mannequin. However, said customer then proceeded to approach my manager and tell him that I had called them fat. I’m sorry, but when in hell did I call you fat?! NEVER! I’m all about positive self image and there’s no way I would every call anyone fat, ever. What truly angered me about this situation was that I did not insult, downgrade, or diminish this customer in any way, shape, or form. Yet they still feel like it’s okay to tell my manager that I’m doing so. I’m sorry, but when did it become okay to lie and twist words just for your own benefit. Umm, it didn’t!

Diary of a Teen

Thursday, January 16, 2014

5 Signs That I Am So Over College Break

1. I shower multiple times per day. Under usual circumstances, I’m not a huge, huge fan of showering, and I’ll shower once every day or two. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve literally been showering two or three times per day just to pass the time.
2. I sleep past noon. Like all college kids, I love my sleep. However, my natural clock generally wakes me up no later than 11:30 am, and I’ve caught myself sleeping past noon several times.
3. I look forward to going to work. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job. But when I’m anxiously waiting being able to leave for work, you know I need a life.
4. I eat way too much. As with most people, I love food. But I’m also a boredom eater, and I’ve begun eating more than three meals per day (even when I wake up after noon).
5. I’m counting down the days until I can go back.

Diary of a Teen

Sunday, January 12, 2014

This Quote Explains So Much

“…intimacy grows with comfort and that comfort grows with time.”
            Oh my god, this is the most accurate thing I have read in a while. Accurate in the way that the moment I read it, something clicked. It’s like that little something that’s been missing just fell into place. I’m comfortable with my body, and I’m comfortable with my sexuality; but sometimes things just get awkward, or I get nervous, or something like that.
            It’s obvious to me that I’m most sexually open with the person I’m most comfortable with. But even he still doesn’t quite know why I’m not 100% open. This statement seems to perfectly explain why that is. I’ve only known him for about a year and a half. To be completely open with someone in that short amount of time would be a miracle. But as time went on, I’ve become more comfortable, and therefore, more open.
            As time continues to go on, I know I’ll become more comfortable; and I am positive our intimacy will grow. Props to this statement for literally explaining my thoughts.
Diary of a Teen

Monday, January 6, 2014

Pet Peeve- Moviegoers

            Pet peeve: people who use their phones during the movies. I have literally seen people texting, tweeting, browsing, and even talking on their phones while the movie is going on! It astounds me that people can be so attached to their phones that they can’t set them aside for two hours. And if you absolutely must use your phone, can’t you leave the theater; or at the very least, turn your sound off! Enough with the binging, and flashing, and disruption. Have some respect people.

Diary of a Teen

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Strange Sleeping Habits

            Lord help me, I’m a strange sleeper. So I got an electric blanket for Christmas- a small victory in the struggle that my room is the coldest room in the house. Naturally, being cold blooded, I wear two pairs of sweat pants, UGGs, and a hoodie around the house.
            So I fell asleep last night in leggings, fuzzy socks, and a hoodie, under my electric blanket and a comforter. I remember struggling with my blanket during the night- it kept riding up and my feet were cold. Then at one point it was completely off, and I was only under my comforter. I remember unplugging the blanket, and wiggling it back on top of me. Then I wake up a few hours later and I no longer have a hoodie on, just a sports bra. Like what even happened last night?

Diary of a Teen

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

45 Things To-Do Before You Graduate High School

1. Do a sport
2. Join a club
3. Take an honors class 
4. Make a best friend
5. Date someone
6. Break up with someone
7. Get accepted to college
8. Go to a rager
9. Skip class
10. Get your license
11. Go to prom
12. Go to a concert
13. Lose a best friend
14. Volunteer
15. Make an enemy
16. Go on an after school adventure
17. Sneak into a rated R movie
18. Get a job
19. Make an inside joke
20. Participate in spirit week
21. Use all of your senior privileges
22. Go to a Friday night football game
23. Get your heart broken
24. Change your look
25. Surprise someone
26. Get detention
27. Go in every room in the school
28. Go on vacation with your friends
29. Pull an all-nighter
30. Break curfew
31. Make the honor roll
32. Stay home alone over night
33. Break the law
34. Drive to school
35. Play hooky
36. Convince your teacher to postpone a due date, have class outside, etc.
37. Do something new by yourself- go grocery shopping, go to the doctors, etc.
38. Go on a date
39. Prank someone
40. Be a part of a food fight
41. Try not to procrastinate
42. Get an award
43. Set goals
44. Take lots of pictures
45. Make an impact

Diary of a Teen