Sunday, March 30, 2014

General Thoughts- Austin Mahone MMM Yeah

            Tonight I present to you my thoughts on Austin Mahone’s song MMM Yeah. First off, I’m generally a fan of Austin Mahone. He’s extremely talented, and extremely good looking. However, in my eyes (and my ears) this song is just kind of a flop. My first issue with this song is that the song itself is not even completely his, and is not new at all. The chorus is completely taken from the song NU NU by Lidell Townsell that came out in 1992. Secondly, Austin has so much talent that goes so undetected here because of the overload of autotune. I’ve heard him sing live and he is fantastic! It just saddens me knowing that it’s being covered up. Finally, adding Pitbull to a song does not necessarily make it better. In this case, I do not think the song benefited from his Spanglish-Latin fusion.

Diary of a Teen

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Put a Bow on It

            If you ever have a day when you’re kind of sad, out of it, or just not feeling it put a bow in your hair. I know, I know, it seems a little silly and like something that a five year old would do. But trust me, it really does help. Here’s how I think about it- I don’t wear a bow in my hair on a regular basis. So when I have one on, I kind of forget that it’s there. Then I’ll pass by a mirror, or see my shadow, and notice that it’s there. And it kind of just makes me smile. Bows make me happy, and it seems to lift my spirits- at least momentarily. Just try it.

Diary of a Teen

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hopelessly in Love

            Fair warning, I may just spend this entire post babbling. Twitter quote of the hour, “it’s not my fault I fell in love with you, it’s yours”. Have you ever just met someone that you know is perfect, for you? Someone who makes you smile, and makes you happy. Someone whose happiness means the world to you, and that you would do anything for. For me I know I have, and I wouldn’t have wasted two years trying if this didn’t matter.
            But with all things in life, there are obstacles. Obstacles like distance-- 1,069 miles to be exact. Obstacles like communication. And obstacles like other people. Some people would say I’m crazy to tell him it’s okay to date other girls. I mean, we are not, and have never been a couple. We have never truly dated, and have never been exclusive. If I know that’s not going to happen soon, I say feel free to go about other girls. And when you find  out that they’re not right for you, it’s one step closer to you realizing that what’s right for you is me.
            Just how long is it going to take to get it through your thick skull that I’ll always be here for you? I want to be a proactive participant in your life. It is with a fluttering heart that I can truly say that you put a smile on my face. Whether you know this or not, it will always be true. And since I can’t seem to get a clear understanding of how you feel, I will wait. I will wait until things fall into place. Because even as time goes on, love won’t fade. Remember, it’s not my fault I fell in love with you, it’s yours. So I guess one day you’ll have to pay.
Diary of a Teen

Monday, March 24, 2014

10 Things that my Mom Forgets About Being a Teenager

            There’s just some things my mom forgets about being a teenager. Yes, it has been a while since she was at my point in life. But sometimes it just astounds me how much she forgets what I’m going through. Though I’ll always be her little girl, I’m no longer a little girl. I’m growing, maturing, and developing my own sense of self. So with that, I present to you the list of things my mom forgets about teenagers-

1. I get my period! My uterus is shedding, I’m bleeding, I’m uncomfortable, I’m in pain, I’m bitchy, I’m irritable, and I don’t want to deal with this shit.

2. I’ve kissed a boy. Yes, I’ve kissed more boys than I’ve had boyfriends. It is, in fact, possible to kiss someone that you’re not dating.

3. My car is my freedom. I know I drive fast, but you need to have the confidence that I drive safe.

4. I listen to music that you don’t like.

5. I’ve had alcohol. To ease your mind- no, I don’t get drunk. But yes, alcohol has been consumed.

6. I swear, a lot. I just have enough common sense to sensor myself around you.

7. I don’t like to tell you everything. I’m not trying to hide things from you, but I don’t really want to share everything with you.

8. I want cute bras and underwear. Do you really need to ask the question “well who’s gonna see them anyways”? Seriously?! I’m going to see them! I want to feel cute! And yes, I want to be prepared in the rare chance that someone else will see them. I don’t want to be prancing around in Tinker Bell briefs from the juniors section at Wal-Mart.

9. I am growing and developing. This includes physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually.

10. Sometimes I need to mess up. I know you just love giving that oh so “perfect” advice, but sometimes I need to make my own mistakes to really learn and grow.  Please don’t try to instruct me all the time.
Diary of a Teen

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Haha.. jokes

What’s the difference between a hitchhiker and a prostitute? One wants a ride, the other wants to ride you.

Diary of a Teen